id: 31783
Назва: Ecologization of agricultural production - the main vector of the green renewal of Ukraine
Автори: Kovalchuk S.
Ключові слова: green renewal ,agricultural sector.ecological subsystem should ,agro-industrial complex,ecological security of society.
Дата публікації: 2022-10-30 18:34:44
Останні зміни: 2022-10-30 18:34:44
Рік видання: 2022
Аннотація: Despite the fact that the war continues, there is already a need to plan the recovery of the country. Obviously, different regions will have different needs for rebuilding. Note that agro-industrial production is important in terms of ensuring both food and environmental security of Ukraine. Today, a system based on large-scale and monocultural production, centralized logistics and processing becomes a target for an aggressor, which simultaneously disrupts the entire established system with
corresponding systemic consequences for supply chains in Ukraine and the world. The current state of development of the economy of Ukraine, an important component of which is the branch of agro-industrial development, is characterized by deepening and dynamism of integration processes.
Тип виданя: Монографії видані за кордоном
Видавництво: Socio-economic and ecological aspects of the development of the economy of Ukraine in the conditions of European integration. Monograph. Primedia eLaunch, Boston, USA, 2022. Р. 9-26.
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Ким внесений: Адміністратор
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