id: 36701
Назва: Institutional regulation of entrepreneurial activity in the organizational and economic support of the "green" deal and sustainable development of territorial communities
Автори: Shpykuliak O., Bilokinna I., Kolesnyk T.
Ключові слова: іnstitutional, entrepreneurial activity, economic support, the "green" deal
Дата публікації: 2024-06-12 12:55:50
Останні зміни: 2024-06-12 12:55:50
Рік видання: 2024
Аннотація: The status-functional characteristics of the role of entrepreneurial activity, acquired in the process of evolution, determine the ability to solve social and economic problems of territories, communities, society, individuals, etc. In the methodological sense, a constructive approach to defining the mission of this institution is its positioning as: "Entrepreneurial activity is determined by one of the benchmarks for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals by Ukraine. The development of agricultural entrepreneurship is an important determinant of the formation of the country`s food security. Accordingly, there is a need for state support to create conditions for the development of entrepreneurial activity, especially small business and private farms". However, the development of the economy, territories on the basis of "greening" and (for) sustainable development with the direct participation of enterprises requires effective institutional regulation. In the modern world, with the existing model of high-tech entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial activity, as a practice of ensuring the development of social, economic systems, and most importantly – a mechanism for satisfying the interests of people, communities – a number of global problems have been recognized, such as those that have arisen as tasks to be solved at the same time, namely: determination of climate change factors; institutionalization of the principles of sustainable development – at all levels, including the state; awareness of the limits of growth; building a system of greed and thrift with available resources; effective use of the achievements of human progress without prejudice to the processes of life; formation of effective integrated and cooperative structures in rural areas, etc. This applies to society, the state, the economy and relevant industries in particular.
Тип виданя: Монографії видані за кордоном
Видавництво: In: Sustainable development of territorial communities in the Vinnytsia region. Monograph. Primedia eLaunch, Boston, USA, 2024. P. 26-52. DOI: 10.46299/979-8-89480-703-4.2
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