id: 23148
Назва: Research of constructive and regulatory parameters of the assembly working parts for potato harvesting machines (Web of Science)
Автори: Hrushetsky S. M., Yaropud V. M., Duganets V. I., Duganets V. I., Pryshliak V. M. , Kurylo V. L.
Ключові слова: potato masses with soil, potato tuber, digging working part, model, separation, potato harvesting machines
Дата публікації: 2019-12-27 10:34:41
Останні зміни: 2019-12-27 10:34:41
Рік видання: 2019
Аннотація: The problem of improving the quality of potato tuber separation by improving the digging working parts from the construction of potato harvesters is investigated. Based on the analysis of the theoretical and experimental studies on the existing working parts, the design scheme was established and the optimum values of the parameters and operation modes of the digging working parts were established, for potato harvesting machines, which would allow improving the quality performances of the potato harvester as a whole. According to the research results, an experimental sample of digging working parts for potato harvesting machines was developed and manufactured, whose verification in operation confirmed their workability and efficiency.
Тип виданя: Статті Scopus
Видавництво: INMATEH - Agricultural engineering. - 2019. - Vol. 59, No. 3. - P. 101-110. Bucharest / Romania
Розташовується в колекціях :
Ким внесений: Адміністратор
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