id: 20735
Назва: Upgrading ofquality of GAS-THERMO coverages = Підвищення якості покриттів GAS-THERMO
Автори: Smirnov I. V., Lopata O. V., Solovykh V. K., Khryhko T. E., Nikolaychuk V. Y.
Ключові слова: among different technologies, gas-thermals spraying, GAS-THERMO coverages
Дата публікації: 2019-06-20 09:03:04
Останні зміни: 2019-06-20 09:03:04
Рік видання: 2019
Аннотація: Among different technologies of protective coverage`s in latter days the methods of gas-thermals spraying: gas flaming, plasmas, detonation and electro arc metallization got intensive development. In the basis of these methods, there is a single principle of formation of protective layer out of discrete particles of the material warmed up and speeded up by a gas steam. Spraying is the most convenient method of shaping of cover-age`s on the surfaces of details, which have different configuration. The main indexes of quality of coverage`s are hardness of cohesion and den-sity. At spraying they are insufficient. Density achieves 60% and hard-ness of cohesion 25–40 MPa. To increase quality of sprayed coverage`s namely hardens of cohesion and density, there are some directions: ap-plication of progressive technologies of preliminary preparation of the surface before spraying, processing of sprayed coverage.
Тип виданя: Тези доповідей
Видавництво: Materials of the 19th International Scientifie and Technical Siminar “Modtrn Questions jf Prodyction and Repair in Industry fnd in Transport”, (18-23 February 2019, Kosice). Kosice Slovak Republic C 247-249
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