id: 19272
Назва: Researcher of the influence of low-frequency and high-frequency actions on processing of technological environments
Автори: Bernyk I.
Ключові слова: technological environment, processing stages, properties, low-frequency vibrating, high-frequency cavitation processes
Дата публікації: 2019-02-01 16:19:21
Останні зміни: 2019-02-01 16:19:21
Рік видання: 2018
Аннотація: The processing of various vibrational low-frequency and cavitation high-frequency actions by their rheological properties is studied. A mathematical model of the motion of particles of a technological environment is determined taking into account the different nature of the dissipative forces. Two kinds of frictional forces are applied: dry at the first stage of changing the constituents of the mixture and viscous at the second, final stage of compaction of the mixture. The obtained analytical dependencies reveal the physical picture of the behavior of particles and the technological environment as a whole. The key stages of compaction to account for dry and viscous friction between the components of materials are described. It is revealed that processing at low frequencies reduces energy costs. Taking into account in vibroacoustic processes the contribution of higher harmonics greatly accelerates the process of cavitation. This is a fundamentally new result and the idea of the possibility of obtaining an effect for creating new materials. The obtained amplitudes and frequencies of oscillations of both low-frequency and high-frequency modes open a new direction in technologies for improving the quality of material processing. The main modes and parameters of vibrational and acoustic action for effective implementation of material processing processes are determined. The obtained results are applied at definition of rheological and technological parameters at various stages of processing of materials. The basic directions of quality improvement of processing environments are formulated.
Тип виданя: Статті у зарубіжних наукових фахових виданнях (Copernicus та інші)
Видавництво: EUREKA: Physics and Engineering. - 2018. - № 1. - P. 73-86.
Розташовується в колекціях :
Ким внесений: Адміністратор
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