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id: 18961
Title: Determination of functioning quality of area with mionectic resistance isolation of operative direct-current network by neuro-fuzzy modeling
Authors: Rubanenko O.
Keywords: operative direct-current network, mionectic resistance of isolation, coefficient of functioning quality, neural-fuzzy modelling
Date of publication: 2018-12-26 09:11:59
Last changes: 2018-12-26 09:11:59
Year of publication: 2017
Summary: іnvestigational possibility of the use of neuro-fuzzy modeling is at determination of functioning quality of area with mionectic resistance of isolation. Investigational parameters which characterize quality functioning of area of operative direct-current network: an amount of proceedings in an isolation is after passing of signals; current isolation resistance of area; resistance of area isolation is after renewal. Determination of area with mionectic isolation resistance of operative direct-current network it is suggested to carry out by a calculation the coefficient of quality of its functioning. A coefficient of functioning quality of operative direct-current network area is a complex parameter, which takes into account not only possibility of area to execute the functions but also possibility effectively to proceed in an isolation after passing of test or other influencing on its state signals. The method of determination of area is improved with mionectic isolation resistance of operative direct-current network, which allows to warn development of emergency situations and enables to conduct the done early replacement, repair, adjusting of areas of operative direct-current network. The method of determining the coefficient functioning as the operative parts of current permanent ones so using methods based on fuzzy modeling and driven to software implementation in a complex MATLAB. The advantage of this method is to attract an evaluation experience for field personnel, taking into account in calculating the quantity, quality, regulatory parameters, etc., and enable the optimization mathematical model on real data.
Publication type: Статті у наукових фахових виданнях України (Copernicus та інші)
Publication: Техніка, енергетика, транспорт АПК. – 2017. – 2 (97). – С. 144-152.
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Published by: Адміністратор
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