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id: 30834
Title: Rationale for popularization of processing of polymer waste from tires in industry
Authors: Paladiychuk Yu.B., Telyatnuk I.A
Keywords: rubber-technical products, polymer waste, utilization, pyrolysis, composite.
Date of publication: 2022-04-20 20:06:22
Last changes: 2022-04-20 20:06:22
Year of publication: 2022
Summary: The rubber and plastics industry is increasingly becoming an important industry. Polymers are used in almost all areas of material production and non-productive sphere. Demand for finished products made of polymeric materials from the most important consumer industries is growing steadily: construction, transport, agriculture, medicine, etc. Polymer and rubber products are becoming more and more sophisticated, but at the same time methods of waste management and disposal are being developed and complicated. Over time, they can no longer be used for their intended purpose, so they are discarded and sent to landfills, while polymers and rubber are valuable construction materials and their reuse will be positive not only for the environment but can also be a profitable branch of the agro-industrial complex. The generation of significant amounts of rubber and polymer waste leads to unorganized storage in landfills or uncontrolled dispersal in the natural environment, which increases the level of environmental hazards in the surrounding areas as a result of harmful substances from rubber and plastic into the environment. This article investigates the methods of processing polymer and rubber waste by improving technologies for their processing into secondary raw materials. The relevance of polymer waste processing methods is determined. Types of recycling and stages of polymer waste processing are discussed. The life cycle of rubber is analyzed and the analysis of existing technologies of utilization and processing of rubber waste is carried out. Stages of rubber waste processing are substantiated. Pyrolysis technology for rubber waste processing is described. Taking into account the information obtained, conclusions were made and the characteristics of the studied composite, which includes sand, rubber and polymer, were determined.
Publication type: Статті у зарубіжних наукових фахових виданнях (Copernicus та інші)
Publication: Modern engineering and innovative technologies. 2022. № 19-1. P. 3-22.
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Published by: Адміністратор
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